
Always one idea ahead

Working at Behncke

Tradition and progress: these two apparent opposites are combined effortlessly at BEHNCKE GmbH. The company has been in family ownership for three generations and there are many colleagues whose many years of service is celebrated in style. At the same time, “Always one step ahead” is so much more than just an advertising slogan for BEHNCKE GmbH. Colleagues work together in teams to develop products and receive prestigious awards for their work, such as the German Innovation Award 2018.

We take a contemporary and pragmatic approach to the work-life balance for BEHNCKE colleagues, which is tailored to the specific needs of each individual. And anyone spending a full day working in the company is entitled to a pleasant atmosphere. We have a specially created task force for this – the BEHNCKE Feel-Good Management.

Behncke in detail

  • More than 100 colleagues of all ages
  • Two sites
  • In-house training in three professions
Nicolas Christ
Nicolas ChristHead of indoor service/export
Training to become an industrial clerk at BEHNCKE. Further training at the Chamber of Commerce to become a business management specialist
Working in the Export Department since January 2017
Christoph Walters
Christoph WaltersPurchasing manager
Training to become an industrial clerk at BEHNCKE
Working as the Purchasing Manager since March 2012
Viktoria Zettel
Viktoria ZettelSales employee
Mother of 3 children
Working in the Internal Sales Department since March 2018
Peter Sellmer
Peter SellmerProduction employee
Training to become a metalworker at BEHNCKE
Working as a metalworker since February 2018
Antonio Giglioli
Antonio GiglioliShipping employee
3rd generation working at BEHNCKE
Working in the Shipping Department since August 2017